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What’s keeping you from doing work that you really love?

Often in our daily lives we can focus so much on what we feel we should be doing, that we lose sight of what we truly love doing. Some of us may have even ended up doing the work without having necessarily intended to.


A work life that’s filled with the joy of doing what you really love may seem like something that’s only for the lucky few. Well, I disagree!


Cambio Coaching invites you to participate in a series of short, fun daily exercises to help you start to live more of what you love.


Join us for this free, 7-day experience:

Cambio Coaching’s 7-Step Guide to Discovering What You Love

Here’s a preview of what we’ll touch on in the Guide:

    • Day 1: Your Key Work Motivators
    • Day 2: Transformational questions
    • Day 3: Your unexplored interests
    • Day 4: What makes you happy?
    • Day 5: “Last Job” exercise
    • Day 6: Examine your perceptions
    • Day 7: Effecting change

We hope you enjoy and benefit from these exercises, and that you share your experience by leaving comments on our website and by sharing on social media.


Get started with Day 1, and join us on social media throughout the week for more updates.